What Is Texas Payday Law?

What Is Texas Payday Law?

This particular law requires all employers residing in Texas to give on-time wages to their employees. it also requires them to pay their salaries in full and on set days. 

This law also dictates the employers how and when they should pay their wages. Failure to meet these requirements could result in punishments by the law. 

Tip: The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) suggests talking with the employer beforehand, filing this particular claim. 

Conditions To Be Met Before Filing For A Claim

As an employee, if you believe that you have owed wages that are due overtime, then you are capable of filing for a claim within 180 days (from the date when you were originally supposed to receive the salary). 

Payments Which Are Subject To The Texas Payday Law

This particular law applies to different types of payments. It also includes the following:

  • a compensation for the already executed duties no matter the way they get calculated
  • fringe benefits which are required by the policy of the employer. Or it could even be by the medium of some form of agreement with the employee
  • commissions and bonuses in alignment with the already-made agreement between the employee and the employer

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