
Custody Of A Child

Who Is Most Likely To Get Custody Of A Child?

Divorce cases are been on the rise among American families over the past few years. There are multiple complications that can arise during divorce cases. However, common complications arise when parents are fighting over their child’s custody. This is a very common complication. Couples often have faced several legal obligations during their separations due to …

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What is Marital Rape

What Is Marital Rape?

The conjugal assault happens when the spouse has sex with their significant other against her desires. In certain circumstances when the spouse isn’t in that frame of mind to give consent like assuming she was sleeping, or actually or deranged, that additionally falls under the class of marital rape. What Marital Rape Means? The vast …

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What Is Perjury?

What Is Perjury?

Perjury mainly refers to any kind of false swearing. It is a violation that is done voluntarily. For instance, Perjury could refer to the violation of a taken oath by swearing about something false in reality.  Crimes Linked With Perjury This actively refers to any kind of crime which includes suborning of perjury. For instance, …

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Criminal law

What Is Criminal Law?

The definition of Criminal Law suggests a body of imposed regulations and rules that actively apply for criminal acts. It is also used for defining any offenses which can get made against the set rules of the society that we live in.  Criminal Law also works in establishing punishments for various convicted offenders.  Common Types …

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