What Is Criminal Law? Completed Guide

What Is Criminal Law? Completed Guide

Criminal law is the only tool that is used by the government and the authorities in order to protect the interests of the group of people or individuals to help them survive in the scary world we live in. So let us find out more about criminal law. 

Principle Of Criminal Law

  • In various kinds of laws, criminal law defines and regulates all kinds of criminal activities where the offender harms people by their actions. The process in criminal law is first charging then apprehension and then the trial process of the suspect people. 
  • The main principle of criminal law is to present and provide accurate and objective judgments against the offender. 
  • And give them the person the punishment they need. 
  • To make the offender feel guilty and repent of their mistakes are the principles of criminal law. 

Types Of Criminal Behavior Restrains By Criminal Law:

Here is a list of different types of criminal behaviors that are regulated by criminal law. 

  • Felony
  • Minor crimes
  • Misdemeanors
  • Drug possession
  • Domestic violence
  • Sexual crimes

Some Origins Of Criminal Law

There are a few origins of criminal laws are there and here a list is mentioned containing all the origins:

  • Statutory laws
  • Constitutional laws
  • Case laws

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