Who Is Most Likely To Get Custody Of A Child?

Custody Of A Child

Divorce cases are been on the rise among American families over the past few years. There are multiple complications that can arise during divorce cases. However, common complications arise when parents are fighting over their child’s custody. This is a very common complication. Couples often have faced several legal obligations during their separations due to their child custody. Even though parents really love their child there is always a chance of the mother having legal custody of the child. Hence Father plays an important role in the child’s life even after divorce.

Why Do Mothers Get Child Custody More Often?

Often couples are asking who will get custody of the child. The mother will get custody of the child; this is nothing but a presumption. Before giving the child custody, the court investigates about few factors. There are no custody preferences for the women.

Here are a few factors which were analyzed before giving custody to the parents.

  • Child’s age.
  • Parent’s criminal records and financial records.
  • Child’s opinion.
  • Marriage ending reasons.

Based on these factors courts will decide who is going to be good for the child. But during the first years of a child’s life a mother’s role is very important that’s why mothers have a high chance of getting custody.

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