What Is Legal Separation?

What Is Legal Separation

A legal separation is a legal agreement that allows a married couple to live separately. The best part about his legal separation is, that the married couple doesn’t need to break their marriage agreement for this separation. 

There are two types of Legal Separation:-

  1. Trial Separation 

In this type of separation, couples can take a break from each other to test whether they are capable of the separation or not. When a couple is not sure about their apart living they conduct this trial separation instead of divorce. 

  1. Permanent Separation 

In Permanent Separation, the couple makes their decision and they are ready to live separately. Unlike divorce, there are no claims or other supports. However, there are some legal procedures including financial, child custody, visiting agreements, etc. 

This is the best alternative to the divorce system where they break the marriage agreement. Here are a few advantages of legal separation…

  1. Reduce Alimony
  2. Maintaining Religious Beliefs 
  3. Trial Separation allows you to take the experience of a separate life.
  4. Social Securities benefits
  5. There are no asset divisions or liability
  6. Doesn’t terminate the marriage contract.

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